The Most Calorific Foods

There are about 587 calories in 100 g of raw peanuts. The popular legume may be energy-dense, but according to a recent study, it does not contribute to weight gain.


Containing 631 calories per 100 g, dried, shelled sesame seeds are even higher in calories than peanuts.


Even though the pistachio has fewer calories than other nut varieties, it is still considered a high-calorie food. One 100 g serving of shelled, dry-roasted pistachios contains about 567 calories.


The popular trail-mix ingredient is rich in healthy fats and protein. One 100 g serving of toasted, unsalted sunflower seed kernels contains 619 calories.

Sunflower seeds

High in protein and vitamin E, the hazelnut, known in some regions as the filbert, is very popular in vegetarian cooking. This Containing 629 calories per 100 g


One medium-sized avocado contains about 250 calories. This Mexican fruit is known for being rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats.


Dark chocolate and milk chocolate contain about the same number of calories. However, dark chocolate has less sugar and more dietary fibre, making it the healthier choice.


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