How To Get Jet Black Hair At Home Easily?


Do your work in a well-ventilated place near a sink. To avoid stains, use newspapers or old towels.

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Test Patches:

Test for allergies and side effects with a patch test before dyeing your whole head. Follow dye kit instructions.

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Skin Protection:

Protect your hairline, ears, and neck against dye stains with a thin layer of petroleum jelly or barrier cream.

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Protective gear:

An old T-shirt or robe you don't mind getting stained.

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Mix dye:

Follow the dye kit instructions to mix color and developer in a non-metallic basin. Use a wide-tooth comb to blend well.

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Divide Your Hair:

Clip your hair into manageable pieces. It will be easier to apply colour uniformly.

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Apply Dye:

Apply jet black color to each part of hair from roots to tips. Use a brush or your hands, per package directions.

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Set Timer:

Timers should match the dye kit's processing duration. It usually takes 25–45 minutes.

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Wash & Clean:

Rinse your hair with cold water until it's clear after processing.  Lock in moisture using the kit's conditioner or a color safe conditioner. 

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