9 Foods That Could Ruin Your Sleep

Bacon hamburger

Sometimes you’re just going to crave a juicy bacon hamburger, but this is definitely a cuisine you want to avoid eating before night.


 Chocolate is rich with sugar, which can have a big impact on how well you sleep.


Chicken, or any sort of protein, requires a lot of energy to digest, and prolonging this process may throw your sleep routine off.


Pizza, despite being one of the most popular late-night dinners, is not the ideal option to consume before bed—no matter how wonderful it is.

Ice cream

It’s usually pleasant to enjoy dessert after dinner, but ice cream isn’t the ideal option for sleep.

Cereal & milk

This is due not only to the dairy in the milk, but also to the sugar in the cereal, which raises your blood sugar.


A huge bowl of pasta is complete comfort food, at least until you try to go asleep.

Hot pepper

Cayenne pepper, for example, can get your blood flowing and raise your body temperature, which is the opposite of what you want for a good night's sleep.

Coffee & alcohol

Although they are not solid foods, these two villains are in a class of their own when it comes to sleeping.