How To Prepare A Dog For A Baby: 8 Real-Life Tips For Success

Alter Sleeping Arrangements Early: Dog parents who co-sleep with their pets should remove them from your room immediately.

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Rearrange Your House Now: This means expecting parents should make changes cautiously and early.

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Introduce Them To Baby Sounds: This means expecting parents should make changes cautiously and early.

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Desensitize Them To Touch: Dog massage is great for making dogs more comfortable with strange touches.

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Engage With Your Dog On The Floor: When meeting a little person, dogs can get nervous or violent.

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Sign Up For Training To Touch Up Their Behavior: Your dog may be good at sit and stay, but jumping, counter surfing, and door dashing can worsen once your baby is born. 

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Set Up Care For When The Big Day Comes: This is a big one, especially if your little one is due near a holiday.

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Changes when baby arrives: Make sure your dog gets the same care once your baby arrives once their behavior is under control.

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Thick Brush Stroke

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