11 Ways to Get in Trouble in the U.S. Avoid them

Avoid Payday Loans

High-interest payday loans are unsecured. Pay 400% yearly. 

Don't Leave Baby In Car

Never leave a sleeping youngster in a car. This is widespread across the pond but illegal in the U.S. 

If a Cop Stops You, Get Out.

In many nations, police stops require drivers to exit their vehicles. In some nations, you must leave the car. 

Bribe a Cop

Not bribery! In some nations, you can pay a ticket to the police officer. 

Avoid IRS Fraud.

Hiding income or outsmarting the IRS is tough and unwise. 

Engage Roadside Crazy People

Engage with someone acting like a crazy person on the road, and they might shoot you.

Cutting Line

Cutting in line is impolite, but many countries do it. No U.S.

Avoid Trespassing.

Trespass laws are strict in the U.S. Never trespass in the U.S. . 

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