7 Tips for Mastering Southwest Check-In and Boarding

Check In Early: Southwest has a boarding order based on check-in time, not assigned seating. Check in as close to 24 hours before your travel.

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Consider buying EarlyBird Check-In. This service automatically checks you in and assigns a boarding slot before general check-in, improving your chances

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Southwest traditionally boards in three groups: A, B, and C. Each group has A1-A60, B1-B60, C1-C60 numbers. A1-A30 usually has the finest seats,

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The Southwest planes have a first-come, first-served policy, but no assigned seats. Board early (preferably in the A group) to get priority seats 

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Monitor Your Boarding Position: If you check in late or end up in the C group, examine the seats and consider upgrading to EarlyBird Check-In for your next flight. 

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Arrive Early: Even with a favorable boarding position, arriving early means you'll be among the first to board in your group. 

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If available and within your price, try Business Select or Upgraded Boarding for a guaranteed better boarding position. Upgraded

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Boarding gives you a first-come, first-served spot in the A1-A15 range at the gate, while Business Select tickets provide you priority boarding

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