Costco Sold Even More Rotisserie Chickens in 2023

Although celebrity chef David Chang is "not a fan," many consumers still love Costco's rotisserie chickens.

As Costco's 847 sites worldwide grow, so does their slow-cooked poultry, which CEO Craig Jelinek called "our old reliable."

The popular deli department standby has been $4.99 for almost a decade, despite fears that rising food costs and other factors might raise the price.

Costco managers have said they "consciously" keep the price at a bargain-basement level to keep customers pleased and foot traffic

steady. Shopping for cheap chicken generally leads to buying additional items. So popular poultry is usually kept in the store's back.

Costco retails over 100 million rotisserie chickens annually since 2020. In order to bring much of its chicken supply chain in-house, the business opened a 432-acre 

The corporation was also criticized after an animal rights group undercover investigator found cruel conditions for poultry at the same plant.

The New York Times' unflattering coverage and two Costco shareholders' lawsuit followed those results. An online petition to Costco to improve chicken

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