8 Habits That Society Considers Low-Class

Poor Table Manners: Eating with an open mouth, talking with food in the mouth, or using hands instead of utensils inappropriately can be seen as lacking proper etiquette.

Littering: Disposing of trash improperly and not taking care of public spaces is widely frowned upon and considered disrespectful to the community and environment.

Excessive Swearing: Using profanity frequently and in inappropriate settings can be perceived as uncouth and lacking in self-control or respect for others.

Public Intoxication: Being visibly drunk and disorderly in public places is often viewed as irresponsible and disrespectful behavior.

Disrespectful Communication: Interrupting others, speaking loudly on cell phones in public, or being rude and dismissive in conversations can be seen as disrespectful and inconsiderate.

Neglecting Personal Hygiene: Poor grooming habits and neglecting personal cleanliness can lead to negative judgments about one's self-respect and consideration for others.

Aggressive or Violent Behavior: Displaying aggression, starting fights, or being physically confrontational is typically viewed as unacceptable and low-class behavior.

Engaging in Gossip or Rumors: Spreading gossip or unfounded rumors about others is often seen as malicious and indicative of poor character.

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